Monday, February 13, 2006

Times change

Ollendick to perform with Colts Drum Corp

The Colts have been named “Iowa’s Ambassadors of Music” by the governor. The average grade point average of its members is more than 3.5 and 95 percent of its members are in college or are college-bound. Members of the Colts are between the ages of 15 and 21.

This is not my drum corps. Back in my day it was possible for an non-music major to get into a top 25 open class corps. I did it and at the time I was not a stellar music student. In fact most of the smaller corps were an alternative to "legit" music instruction rather than part of the system. This trend may explain the disappearance of Canadian corps as there always seem to be a bigger divide between music educators and drum corps types in Canada.

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