Spring Opening Show – April 29th (Preston Memorial Arena)
The Alumni Band will open its performance schedule with an indoor show at the Preston Memorial Arena.
There will be no admission charged but donations will be appreciatively accepted (the Alumni Band is a registered Canadian charity).
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Scout House Alumni opening show for 2012
and the Bands Played on
Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 7pm
This show features the music, pageantry and excitement of the finest marching bands in Ontario.
Come on out for a great evening of entertainment and enjoy that “great big sound”
that people loved back when “the Bands played on!”
See: http://www.unitedalumni.com/and_the_Bands_Played_on.htm
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sarnia Corps Reunion
drumcorpsplanet.com: Members Of Five Former Sarnia Corps Planning Giant June ReunionFormer members of drum and bugle corps from Sarnia, Ontario will gather at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 62, 286 North Front Street, on June 23, 2012 to renew old acquaintances and celebrate more than 40 years of shared drum corps activity.
The reunion will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. with an open-house format including displays of memorabilia, video presentations, drum corps music and, of course, lots of reminiscing. Those planning to attend should bring along their memories and any material they wish to share.
See the following links: